We are here to support you throughout your studies
Our Library is on the first floor of the Campus accessible by stairs on both sides of the building and by lifts. It contains print books.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or have any questions please ask a member of staff. You can contact us in a number of ways including in person, by email, telephone and live chat.
Getting Started
We hope you were able to join our library induction when you started your course. However, if you missed it, you will have a chance to attend one of our catch-up sessions. You can also book an individual appointment.
How do I join and get a library card?
Your library registration is completed automatically upon enrolment. Your University ID Card is also your library card. You will need it to access the building, borrow books, and use campus printing facilities.
Help With Understanding Library Jargon
- Shelfmark or call number – the series of letters and numbers which you will see on the spine label of a book. It will help you to find a particular book on the shelf together with other books on the same subject.
- Loan type or loan period – the length of time for which you can borrow a book.
- Due date – the date by which the books you borrow should be returned in order to avoid fines.
- Reference copy – item that cannot be borrowed and can only be used in the library.
- Essential Text – books that you should read/consult for your module as a priority.
- Resources – a general term which covers anything the library makes available to its users, either in print or electronic form. This includes books, journals, audio-visual material, and databases.
- Electronic resources (e-books, e-journals) – electronic or digital material available to read online rather than in print.
- Database – a collection of subject specific data (for example, Business, Tourism, Nursing, etc.) that is organised in a way that its contents can easily be searched and accessed by users.
- Journal or periodical – publications published at regular intervals that contain articles by various authors usually focused on a particular subject area.
- Journal article – a short text published in a journal.
How do I find and borrow books?
Use Library Search to search for books, check availability for print books, and access e-books online. If you sign in at the start, you will get better results.
Once you find your book, you can borrow it quickly and easily using your ID card and our self-service machines. Please remember to renew or return your books by their due dates to avoid fines.
If you have trouble finding anything in the Library, please ask us at the front desk; we are here to help.
How many books can I borrow?
- Undergraduate students may borrow up to 10 items
- Postgraduate students may borrow up to 15 items
For how long can I borrow a book?
You can borrow books for 4 weeks.
All borrowed books can be renewed provided that there are no reservations on the title.
Can I borrow books from St Peter's and Murray Libraries in Sunderland?
If we do not have a particular title in London Library and there is no e-book version of that title, you can borrow books from our libraries in Sunderland. Use the REQUEST tool in Library Search to borrow books from St. Peter's or Murray Libraries. You can borrow the book from us when it arrives from Sunderland and return it to us when you finished reading it.
What if the book I need is not in Library Search?
We are always happy to receive your suggestions to purchase books which will support your studies. You can submit your suggestions online by filling in our book suggestion form or ask us in person. However, if you need a book quickly or if it is a book we are not able to purchase (it may be out of print), you may be able to find the book in another university library. See the SCONUL scheme.
How do I access e-books?
You can read e-books on and off campus via the links displayed in the search results in Library Search. Use your University user ID and password to sign in and gain access. Some e-books are also available to download for a period of time or you can download PDF chapters to keep.
How do I know when my books are due?
You can check when your books are due for return either online by signing in to Library Serach or on the self-service machines in the Library. Please make sure you know when your books are due back so that you can return or renew them on time to avoid fines.
How do I return books?
You can return your books using our self-service machines and drop-box.
To avoid overdue charges and to make sure that everyone has a fair opportunity to borrow books, please make sure that you return them on or before their due dates. If you are unable to return books by their due dates, please renew them. This will help you avoid having to pay unnecessary charges.
What are the charges for late return and how do I pay my fines?
Our overdue fines are 10p per book per day.
Please note that each item can incur a maximum fine of £15 every time you allow it to become overdue.
Library charges can be paid online using the Sign in option in Library Search. Once you sign in, go to FINES+FEES and Pay Fine to proceed with your payment using a debit\credit card or PayPal.
Please note that your library account will be suspended if you do not pay off your fines within 30 days.
I lost a library book, what should I do?
If you think you may have lost a library book, please contact the Library as soon as possible as this could reduce the amount of overdue fines you will have to pay. The Library staff will provide you more information on replacement costs and procedures.
Renewing and Requesting
How do I renew my books?
You can renew your books quickly and easily 24/7 by signing in to Library Search. You can also renew your items in the Library at our self-service machines using your University ID card. Alternatively speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help .
All borrowed books can be renewed provided there are no requests on the title. After you reached the renewal limit, you will have to return the item before you can take it out again.
How do I request books?
You can request books from London or Sunderland. Simply find the book in Library Search and use the REQUEST option once you sign in. Make sure London Library is the pickup location. You will receive an email once the item is ready for collection. You will then have 5 working days to collect your requested items from the library desk during our staffed hours.
My Library Account
Manage your library account online by signing in to Library Search.
You can use your account to:
- View your loans and return dates
- Renew your books
- Request resources and manage your requests
- View and pay any library fines
- View your loan history
- View all notification emails you have received from the Library
Why has my library account been suspended?
Your library account is suspended automatically if any of the following happens:
- You have outstanding charges that exceed £14.99
- Outstanding charges have remained on your account for more than 30 days
- You have a book that has been overdue for more than 30 days
What should I do if my library account has been suspended?
You will need to:
- Return any overdue books to the library
- Pay any outstanding charges online by signing in to Library Search
Please note that you will be unable to renew or borrow any further items until the suspension has been resolved. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your library account.
Reading Lists
Reading lists are available through Library Reading Lists.
MMR is our online reading lists system that links directly to
- your print books in Library Search to see current availability for borrowing/requesting
- your electronic resources (e-books, journal articles,reports, and more) in Library Search to read them online
- your good quality websites
Find out more about reading lists.
Assignments and Dissertations
We offer a wide range of material and deliver skills sessions to help you succeed with your assignments and dissertations.
Our Library training sessions and Study Skills pages offer detailed guidance on academic research. They cover different stages of writing assignments such as:
- analysing and understanding your assignment
- finding and identifying relevant resources
- understanding and evaluating information
- referencing and avoiding plagiarism
If you are not sure about the resources you should use and where to find them, have a look at our Resources and Subject Support pages for advice on most reliable, up-to-date academic and industry publications on your subject.