provides comprehensive mental health and mental illness information on depression, bipolar suicide, anxiety, addiction, schizophrenia, and more.

Explore different resources available for your subject area
In this section, you will find essential resources available for the subject area of Health and Social Care. You can locate print books and have access to electronic books, journal articles, and databases. In order to access electronic books, journals, and databases you will need to use your institutional login. There is also a range of open access resources freely available online.
Health and Social Care Key Subject Resources
There are many different resources available to help with your wider reading and research. You can access some of them directly from this page but most of your key electronic resources for Nursing and Public Health are accessed through Library Search.
Box of Broadcasts
This is an academically-focused database of television and radio programmes which allows you to watch programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels; you can also access its archive containing over 3 million broadcasts.
Community Care Inform
Community Care Inform is an online resource that enables professionals working with people make and evidence their decisions.
LexisPlus is the largest collection of UK law, up-to-date legislation, case law, commentary and comprehensive practical guidance.
National Statistics Online or Office for National Statistics (direct access)
National statistics from the UK Government. Open access, no need to log in.
PsycARTICLESA good range of psychology-related journals where you can search for psychology-related articles.
PubMed Central (direct access)
A free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Open access, no need to log in.
A full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters covering physical sciences, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
Health and Social Care Useful External Resources
The resources below are external links, not provided or subscribed to by the University. Therefore, we are not able to guarantee continuity of access. Please contact us to let us know if they are not accessible anymore.
The independent regulator of health and adult social care in England that makes sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, and high-quality care, encouraging care services to improve.
The UK’s leading authority on mental health research, the Centre for Mental Health works with government, policy makers, service providers and commissioners to create social change.
Department of Health & Social Care
The government department that helps people to live better for longer; leading, shaping and funding health and care in England, making sure people have the support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve.
EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which enables access to the UK’s doctoral research theses. There are approximately 380,000 records relating to theses awarded by over 120 institutions. Around 120,000 of these also provide access to full text thesis, either via download from the EThOS database or via links to the institution’s own repository.
Health and Care Professions Council
The Health and Care Professions Council regulate the following professions: biomedical scientists, clinical scientists, dietitians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, paramedics, radiographers and social workers in England.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)
This is a British social policy research and development charity that funds UK-wide research and development programs seeking to understand the root causes of social problems, and how social needs can be met in practice. The charity produces informative and topical research reports on cities towns and neighborhoods, housing, income and benefits, people, society and work.
The King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. Their vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all.
The London Datastore is a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access statistics and data relating to the capital and its individual boroughs. The site provides over 700 datasets to help one understand the city and its problems.
Office for National Statistics
The Office for National Statistics is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.
Social Care Online is produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence. It is the UK’s largest database of information and research on all aspects of social care and social work
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health; it leads partners in global health responses. WHO contains country reports and statistics. They also have a section on life-course.
Health and Social Care Study Skills
Developing a range of academic skills is an essential part of ensuring success in your studies and future employment. Explore our Study Skills section and book an online appointment if you require support.